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Lipoid Kosmetik AG – New Product Launch: PhytoCollagen ?



We are thrilled to present Lipoid Kosmetik’s new, 100% natural plant-based collagen alternative, PhytoCollagen. 

PhytoCollagen is a unique, COSMOS-certified, vegan and sustainable collagen alternative sourced from the acacia tree. 

Key highlights include: 

  • Plant-based, sustainable collagen alternative.
  • Preferred collagen source and functional equivalent.
  • Improvement of structural and age-related skin metrics (anti-ageing). 
  • Proven efficacy for skin hydration, barrier function and biomechanical skin improvement (in vivo)


Collagen is the structural biopolymer found in animals and is one of the most sought-after active ingredients for anti-ageing and moisturising cosmetics. Collagen is traditionally derived from animal or synthetic sources, counteracting the current trend of moving away from animal-based and artificial raw materials towards more plant-based and sustainable alternatives.

PhytoCollagen perfectly caters to the consumer demand for plant-derived collagen. PhytoCollagen is a functional substitute that mimics animal-derived collagen’s cosmetic benefits, making it ideal for the modern, conscientious beauty consumer.

If you would like to find out more, please get in contact.

If you would like to start a conversation with us, have any questions regarding our product portfolio or would like to request pricing and a sample, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.